Marti Ewing Yoga Therapy
Bringing You the Serenity of Yoga
Welcome! At Marti Ewing, Yoga Therapy we know that yoga is not a one size fits all exercise.
Are you ready to make a positive change in your lifestyle?
Are you tired of being in pain?
Are you recovering from illness or injury?
Do you simply want to feel the relaxation of a gentle practice?
Do you need a more accessible Yoga class for your ability?
Everyone deserves equal access to the ancient teachings of yoga. Recuperative Yoga is a Therapeutic Adaptive Yoga
Private and Group Lessons are available in San Antonio. Book a class or call 210-538-4910 and see how this unique practice of Recuperative Yoga can help.
In a private consultation, we’ll work together to identify your greatest strengths, and also the weaker areas, and what will benefit you the most for a strong yoga practice. Learn what works best for you. Learn yoga as it was intended for your body, at your own pace, and fitness level.
Marti will come to your home or you may visit Marti’s small boutique studio for private and semi-private lessons.
Marti usually suggests private lessons first where you can expect a postural assessment, a discussion of your overall health, and health goals, and the development of a plan. Come and experience what a PRIVATE consultation will do for you.
Feeling low energy?
Wanting to try yoga but have a lot of questions?
Looking to build strength, flexibility, and give your body the attention it needs?
Seeking weight loss?
Need to manage stress and gain clarity?
Need a safe practice, a bridge to get back into exercising?
Have a busy schedule
Benefits of a Regular Yoga Practice
Improves heart health
Relieves stress
Boosts immune system
Enhances cognitive abilities
Balances skeletal structure
Restores proper alignment
Optimizes muscle balance
Cultivates physical awareness
Yoga nourishes your body and soul!